Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Looking for what you haven't done

What haven’t you done?  Yes I’m starting with this question and I’ll ask again, what haven’t you done?!

The violence in Chicago has not slowed down young Black/Brown children are dying and all we can do is wonder who the fuck is going to take over JJ Jrs. Seat in Congress, is that really a priority?  There was a funeral the other day and after the service someone that was in the church followed some people out and started shooting as soon as the shooter crossed the threshold of the front door of the church killing one and injuring another.  So what haven’t you done?

Is it really your responsibility? Yes it is if you call yourself a person of Faith even if you call yourself Human it is your responsibility.  Some of you will ask, why should it? If you really have to ask that then you are not only disconnected from reality but an indirect accomplice to the violence.  Summer of 2012 downtown Chicago got to see some of the violence that is common in some parts of the city, people were being mugged and some even got shot.  Quickly the police flooded Michigan Ave and police were even on horseback trying to be discreet to catch the “roving group of youth” in downtown.  A young beautiful Black teenager is gunned down and the family and community activist were going to march but then decided at the last minute that it was too dangerous to do so and just stayed on their block.  Where was the outcry for this youth murder?  The pastor from the funeral interviewed for the local news about the shooting at the funeral and seemed calm talking about it but was able to say on Twitter that it was “crazy!!” Ah did I forget to mention that this pastor is thinking about running for JJ Jrs. Seat as well??  So was the interview about how crazy it is or just more exposure for him?  He's praying with his team to see if the Almighty Himself will give him the green light to run for office because obviously god also believes that only in political office can one really make an impact!

I’m kind of all over the place here but that’s how it feels to me, all messed up in 30 different ways…

So what is it that you haven’t done?  NO I don’t want to receive private emails saying “well I guess we all do our part whichever way we can…” that’s just stupid because it’s easy to say “oh well I gave to the Boys and Girls club what else can I do” or my favorite “ I work in social services and I’m doing the best I can.”  I’m sorry but NO you’re not and not because you wanted it that way but simply because the job has you so tied up in bullshit paperwork and mandatory basketball nights type of events that you hardly ever get the chance to REALLY impact someone for life.  I’ve seen many people social workers, clergy, teachers, police, parents, and community organizers just shrug their shoulders and say “well we tried.”  Is that what we should tell the parents and family of this youth that was murdered last night? Think about that and think about losing someone you love dearly in an avoidable situation and think about how it would feel if someone just shrugged their shoulders and said ‘hey what did you want I tried’ as if that person was trying to give your car a jump for it to start.

So what haven’t you done?

I can say for myself that I have not done ENOUGH and I am ashamed for it and grieve the loss of every life…

Will you do enough to get by or into “heaven” or will you do what needs to be done?

