Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Looking for Peace.....but not in this salvation.

What is salvation?  Many offer Jesus the Christ as a solution but that becomes a problem when the person they are trying to “save” doesn’t believe in Jesus or has been burned by Christians that twisted the salvation part to their benefit.  So when we see all the violence in our society we immediately talk about “saving” our youth/children or “saving” our community but I often wonder, save it from what or whom?

There’s a popular Bishop that often talks about this topic and he says “are we being saved from a mean and hateful god? Or are we saving ourselves from ourselves?”  It’s a great question; if we are saving our youth are we saving them from us the adults?  I believe so and add to it our horrible need to continue out dated and plain stupid ideologies that didn’t work in the past and don’t work now.

To “save” our youth from the violence that plagues our communities would mean that the adults would have to shake off any egos they have and allow open and honest conversations about what is wrong and how adults have orchestrated this behavior of violence, get mine, and fuck’em to get “ahead” in life. 

Back to being a savior because that’s what some people are trying to do…how do you become a savior if what comes out of your mouth is filled with biased opinions, hateful language, and plain stupidity when it comes to knowing what is really going on?  Many people that are clergy have the same issue as some of the powerful leaders I’ve met in my life.  Many gang leaders are powerful people due to their gripping control on, at times, thousands of people and to see them being dismissed by someone else a bit more powerful is an interesting event.  What shocked me at some point in my life was to see the very same reaction from clergy at conferences and gatherings.  Now, don’t take this as a sign that organized religion or any religion is bad because of this comment what I am doing is pointing out egos that we all have.

College students at every level have the same issues and sometimes even worse when they find out that the person next to them is smarter than them and doesn’t have one college credit to their name.  So what usually happens here is that the student then claims to have the answer to every issue regardless of their limited knowledge.  Then to add insult to stupid they challenge the person with no college background, mind you that this person may be well versed on the issue the student is challenging, by claiming that they (non-college student) is wrong and that they (the student) is right.  That is the very same ego issue that gang leaders and clergy have so then that makes it an “us” problem as adults rather than a “gang” leader or clergy problem.

It is healthy to have discussions but there are something’s that are just fact and just because you are unaware of the fact doesn’t make it less of a fact, follow me?  I am not Gay or Transgender but I don’t stand back and do research for a week and battle it out with someone who is Gay or Transgender and basically tell them “sorry but I really don’t think you know what you’re talking about!”  I accept what they tell me about themselves as fact because it is coming from them and their experience.

OK, so I hope you understood that and if you didn’t here’s the short version, learn to be humble.

 Still a bit confused?  OK how about a shorter version, shut your mouth and listen!

I hate to be so blunt but it has to be said because it is imperative for YOU to realize that someone’s LIFE is at stake if you don’t humble yourself! Don’t think so?  That one kid that was walking down the street and doesn’t know better or wasn’t taught better or has been placed into a group because no other group will accept them is walking down the street thinking “I want to die…” and here you are crossing the street or giving them a look that they have grown up seeing as you get closer may be that last push they need to do something wrong.  I was one of those kids…many times I placed my life at risk and as I would walk and someone would be approaching I would say to myself “if this person smiles I’ll be good today but if they don’t I may do something stupid” many times I got a dirty look and many times I’d go out of my way to test the waters of death.  I know some may think me stupid but it is a reality that youth go through just like when we “love” someone for the first time and we say to ourselves “if they smile at me I’ll write them a note…” we’ve all done something similar to that.

Our salvation is NOT within the hands of ONE person instead we have the power and strength to do it ourselves for ourselves as well as for others but MANY choose to let the other guy worry about it (Yes I mean Jesus when I say other guy) because after we are already “saved” so why go back and risk not being “saved?”  The way we can help others to be saved from a life of despair and violence is by NOT contributing to the causes of the despair and violence.  Simple example; “I believe in God but you’re Catholic and you worship idols so you’re going to hell” sounds stupid? Well it’s because it is stupid!

We cannot pray our way out of the violence in our society and we sure cannot vote our way out of it either, we have to have the WILL to change it and honestly YOU lack that will! 

Wait what?  YOU really think I’m not talking about YOU!?  Well if YOU think that then I am DEFINTALY talking about YOU!

I don’t need Jesus to save me from what I have helped create because that would insult His teachings because it was never about Him it was all about US doing what is needed and somehow someone screwed it all up and made many believe that Jesus is just sitting around waiting for US to give Him something to do since He is so bored where He’s at!

Don’t chant “Save our children” because you are the abuser…

Don’t chant “save our streets” because you are the offender…

Don’t chant “stop killing our children” because you are the murder…

Don’t chant “stop the guns” because you built those guns…

Don’t chant “stop the drugs” because you are the user…

Don’t chant anything…be silent then go do something positive without bias, condition, or judgment and you will have Peace…we will have Peace…we are Peace.
