Monday, December 24, 2012

Looking for Peace.....during Christmas.

Recently I thought about the need for a gun while I was putting up decorations in the hall that would be for my own wedding.  I was there alone at night and around 130am someone starts banging on the door, the street was quiet and it was me and someone else on the other side of that door.  Who was it?  Why did they think it was OK to knock on someone’s door at 130am?  The thought of a gun came to mind, what would I do if I hand a gun with me?  Do I charge the door with gun in hand? Do I answer the door and hide the gun? Do I yell and warn the person on the other side that I am armed?  What is that person was armed too?  What if it was just someone that needed help?  All of these questions raced through my mind and I just stood there wondering, why am I thinking about a gun?

Our society strongly believes in having its citizens bear arms, as it is in the Constitution, but it also depends on what type of citizen we are talking about.  If we go deep into Klan country it’ll be obvious that they don’t think people of color should have the right to arm themselves.   We go to the urban cities and wealthy people might not care because after all it’s all the “poor” people killing each other anyway so it doesn’t affect them.  Then there are the religious people that “believe” God will save them but will have a shotgun sitting under their couch ready and armed just in case God is looking the other way when they are attacked.  

So how do we have a gun law that will be “fair” for everyone?  Right, we can’t because it truly is impossible.

So as I waited to see what next step the person on the other side of the door was going to do I gathered my stuff.  I had to go through that door because my car was parked on the other side of that door as well.  After about ten minutes I walk out that door and look around and there’s no one there I lock the door and hop in the car and sat there for a couple of minutes.  I thought to myself, if I had a gun this could have been very different I could have killed someone that was just looking for a warm place to sleep.  Or they could have shot me and I wouldn’t have had a wedding instead a funeral in my name.

Our society needs to wake up and realize that violence is the WAR at home that is taking place EVERY SINGLE DAY without fail and it’s not just gun violence, which by the way is a stupid term considering that you need a human to pull the trigger would we rather have knife violence, it’s all violence that we see and hear in our “free” society.  Hollywood people got together to do a video to advocate for gun laws and mental health and it reignited my furry about how ignorant people really are.  One single white kid kills 28 people and it’s a mental health issue but one Black or Latino kid shoots one person and we need tougher prisons, stricter sentencing, less opportunities for them to parole out, etc… It is obvious that hate is the only thing left in this country that is American made.
Two days ago a Brother of mine shot himself to death…

I don’t need a gun

You don’t need a gun

We don’t need a gun

What we need is to heal ourselves from all of this hate because it breeds sorrow, low self-esteem, sadness, depression, and many more things that we all can do without.  It would be great if Hollywood stars would learn how to connect with the real issue first rather than schedule in a video shoot where a hair and makeup artist had to be employed to make sure they look good for a PSA and try to look sad and concerned.  Not to say they are not but our society has learned how to only be sad and concerned when it is only broadcasted in National news and if there’s enough people around it otherwise we seem to accept that everyday a poor child in a poor neighborhood will get shot to death or beaten to death because people are trying to survive.  We really don’t have to go overseas to see devastation it’s usually only a few miles away from the direction you never drive to.

Can’t pretend to have a Merry Christmas if others are suffering…

