Sunday, March 24, 2013

Looking for Peace.....on Palm Sunday.

On this Palm Sunday I think about my entrance back into street life 12 years ago and how I could have been crucified 3 years ago.  I don’t talk much about my reentry into this life but I’ll open that door just a bit today.

July 2001 was a hot summer with lots of opportunities on the rise I was hosting two people from the BBC here in Chicago for a documentary that the BBC wanted to do on street gangs in Chicago.  Brothers on top wanted something different they were tired of the age old gang fights.  My voice within the Nation was growing stronger and several of the real old timers were convinced that Peace was going to be headed by us, the Almighty Latin King Nation.

Early June the head of another gang was released on parole after doing over 15 years and the very day he is released he holds a meeting out in the open and announces that he declares war on the Latin Kings (LK.)  This information was passed on to our neighborhood because one of the older guys blood brother is a member of that rival gang, not uncommon.  So everyone was out on the strip kind of enjoying the heat but watching the street.  Two vehicles come up the strip and the first one a door opens and someone yells out that rivals street gangs slogan and everyone turns to look at that vehicle.  The second vehicle used the opportunity to open fire and in a split second someone emerged from that vehicle and let loose only one gun shot and that bullet found its way directly to the back of the head of one of our Brothers. Both vehicles sped off and we were left with a pool of blood.

Let me back track a bit…there was a young LK Brother that had become a client of mine and my partner (at the time I worked for a youth social service agency and hired one of the old Brothers) the young Brother was wild and would do anything that no one else wanted to do.  He was 16 dropped out of school his mother would cry everyday worried that something would happen to her son but he ran the streets running from his childhood pain.  It was tough to get him to settle down and for a time we felt as if we couldn’t do much for him because it seemed like he was determined to end his life on his terms.  As the weeks went by he would get arrested and beat up by the police, beat up by rivals, jailed a couple of times for disorderly conduct, and other things.  Then one day we couldn’t find him and we went to his house the mother was crying saying that she had not seen him in a few days and unfortunately in the hood that sometimes means you’ve been disposed of.  So we started looking around my partner had sit downs with some other Brothers to make sure they weren’t the ones that got rid of him and at the end of a couple of days we couldn’t find him.  Then the phone rings and it’s him he said that he got away for a bit and needed to think about things and had decided that he wanted to go back to school and wanted to step away from the street for a while so he could get his life back on track.  We were happy and my partner secured his safety from the Nation to step away and gave him the steps he had to take and one of them was to speak with one of the oldest Brothers around.  That was key in all of this because that Brother would guarantee that no one would touch this young Brother.  

Back to the story line…minutes before the rivals came up the street the young Brother was talking with his mother at home about how he was going to step away from the LK’s and go back to school and she was very happy.  He told her that he needed to go speak to someone about it and that he would be right back.  He walked out of his house and walked half a block to speak with this older Brother and as they were standing there the shot rang out and that young Brother was shot once in the back of the head by this rival gang.  The older Brother was standing face to face with this young Brother and saw life escape from those young eyes as they left us behind to deal with the rage that would follow.  The young Brothers mother heard the shot and immediately knew it was her son.  She began to cry hysterically and people in the house were asking her what was wrong and she kept saying that they killed her son and no one had come to the house to say anything so everyone was confused.  A minute later one of the Brothers was at the door step letting them know that the young Brother was just killed.

My partner and I were 20 minutes away when we heard the call over the police scanner and when we heard it was right in the middle of our hood we jumped on our Nextel phones and started to call the hood.  We quickly learned of what had happened and we drove quickly and silently into the hood.  Once there we take a quick look at what had happened and asked questions.  My partner asked me if I wanted to take a ride into the rival hood and see what’s going on over there.  I knew that he wanted to exact revenge and at that moment so did I so I said YES lets go!

We did not have a weapon on us other than our anger and pain which sometimes can be more damaging than a bullet.  I let him drive because he wanted to be the one caught if something went down.  As we approach the rival hood he tells me about how one of our own is blood brother to one of the main guys in the rival gang.  We start to zig zag in their hood and not a single person is out which was weird because it was 330pm on a hot summer day…as we turn a corner we see what we didn’t expect to see.  The brother that is blood brother to the rival is coming out of the house of the rival gang leader and as we pass our brother noticed us and you could see the worry in his face.  The rivals start to grab something and my partner drives off and says ‘we got this bastard now!’

Our brother was snatched off the street and questioned as to what he was doing over there so soon after the shooting and he claimed that he heard what happened and he was on their block so he figured he could resolve the issue.  I never found out anymore because I refused to accept that answer and viewed him as an enemy ever since. 

A few weeks later the older Brother that was talking to this young Brother was killed while trying to rob a house that was owned by a drug cartel all the while the FEDS were across the street watching it happened and NEVER called the police or ambulance for assistance…that’s a whole other story.

The older Brother had all of his family in NYC and was going to be buried there so several of us hopped in a car and drove all night to NYC to attend the wake the following night.  On this trip it was revealed that I was a lot more intimately involved in the day to day communications for the Nation.  Once in NYC I called the head of the city for the LK’s and quickly we were flooded with about 100 LK’/LQ’s from all over NY.  My relationship with NYC was like older Brother to younger Brother they loved me as much as I loved them making NYC my second home.  So what happens when a younger Brother loves his older Brother?  They show a lot of respect and when the Brothers from Chicago saw that they became very angry.  Why you ask?  Because they were not being shown the same overwhelming respect that was being given to me so they began to talk among themselves.  Once we got back to Chicago I was given a choice to make either turn around and never come back and stay out the way or come back into the fold out on the street.  I had already made up my mind way before they came to that point and I picked the street.  Why did I?  At the time all of the people that worked with me on the anti-violence stuff here in Chicago had left and I had no other resources other than my physical self.  I had made a promise to the LK’s that I would be there for them as long as they wanted to turn over a new leaf and at that time they did…I freely gave myself back to the streets after eight years of not being out on the streets I went back.

I was told by my sponsor, yes there is actually sponsors within gang life, that at the level I was coming in that there was no turning back and that this would be for life and I looked at him and said “I will change everything just give me time and support and I will end the shootings and put people in school and we will be the strongest Nation in the country we will bury our dead because of old age and nothing else!” 

He was excited and so was I…September 11th 2001 two planes slam into the World Trade Center and a new world came upon us and yes it even affected the gangs.  Many street gangs thought that the FEDS would be too busy looking the other way that they wouldn’t notice them organizing a drug trade.  What they didn’t know was that 9/11 gave the FEDS more power to do what they do and an endless pit of money to throw at people to create events that normally wouldn’t happen. 

By 2009 my ability to control and influence positive behaviors had diminished regardless of all the evidence of indictments and snitches that I provided certain people were hell bent to keep going for the negative.  I’m not saying I hate the Nation nor am I saying that the Nation as a whole is involved in the drug trade what I am saying is that certain people with certain control within the Nation are involved in the drug trade and are being paid to make sure it keeps going that way.

How does this translate to Palm Sunday?  It is easy to come in victory but if the people are unwilling very few of us will sacrifice our lives for the change you refuse to have in your life. 

Will you sacrifice your own life for yourself?

Will you sacrifice your own life for others?

Who sacrificed their life for yours?

These are questions that require answers.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Looking for Peace.....with Dennis Rodman

Who would you pick as a Peace maker?  Dennis Rodman is NOT the first person you would think of but he happens to be a good choice.

Rodman recently went to The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK-North Korea) for a basketball showcase alongside the Harlem Globetrotters. What’s interesting is that this is not the first time that the Globetrotters go to a perceived enemy’s country.  In 1959 the Harlem Globetrotters went to the Soviet Union to play several games as well.  Rodman, as we all know, has had a complicated past but nonetheless he is human and he showed his level of humanity in an interview with George Stephanopoulos:

”Rodman originally drew criticism from Stephanopoulos when he said that North Korea’s dictator was a good guy, despite the human rights violations.

“I don’t condone that. I hate the fact that he’s doing that. I didn’t talk about that. I saw people respected him, his family. He’s only 28. He’s not his dad. He’s not his grandpa. He is 28 years old. He’s very humble. He’s a very humble man. He don’t want war, that’s one thing he don’t want. He loves power. He loves control, because of his father, you know, stuff like that. But he’s just…he’s a great guy. He’s just a great guy. You sit down and talk to him,” said Rodman.

Stephanopoulos then challenged Rodman, saying he was making excuses for North Korea’s human rights abuses.

“No, I’m not apologizing for him. He was a great guy to me. He was my friend. I don’t condone what he does. But as a person to person, he’s my friend. What I did was history. He’s a friend to me. That’s about it,” said Rodman.”

If we look at this carefully we see that Rodman has more sense than George because he is making a clear statement that the leader of DPRK, Kim Jong Un, is young and is most likely reacting to history rather than what might be really going on.  

Here this is what I mean, all these years Christians were told that Dec. 25th is the birth of Christ and as the world grew smaller and information and research became more attainable to the masses people soon realized that no, that is not right!  Some of us accepted it and MANY MORE hold on to the lie because that is what they have known their whole lives.  

Kim Jong Un has been surrounded all his life, most likely, with information that may not be completely true and I think YOU can relate to that, how you ask?  Was there ever any Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq?  No there sure wasn’t but we believed it and I use we loosely.  So what did Rodman see while he was in DPRK?  He most likely saw a young head of state that has a lot of expectations to live up to and is being handled in a way that forces him to have to react in ways that are not helpful.  Wouldn’t it be great if this young man just ended it all and said ‘screw this lets unite the Korean people and get past this!’ It would be great but you know what else would be great?  If the US would say ‘hey how about we get the hell out of the world’s way and stop butting into everyone else’s problems and go back home and build up our own country!’   Now THAT would be a statement to make…the problem with US policy is that it is very forceful in that it doesn’t allow other countries to have an opinion.  

Are there horrible acts occurring in the DPRK?  Yes I am sure but doesn’t the US have the largest prison population in the world? Oh and don’t ask about it because people in the US will start to justify why there is one…doesn’t that sound familiar?  It sure does because the US criticizes other countries when they start to justify their actions in their own countries when confronted by the US and the US calls BS on them.

How does all of this make sense?  It really doesn’t but Rodman hit it on the nose with this statement 

“He loves power. He loves control, because of his father, you know, stuff like that.”

How many politicians can we name that fit that profile?! We can probably throw a stone in the direction of any public office and hit the right person!

So where does this leave us?  Right back to the example that, Yes, Dennis Rodman has given us, be humble and show some humanity when living life, is this so hard?
