Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Looking for a PAC

Someone can spend a lot of time thinking about what a writer had in mind when they read their writings hundreds of years later and some of those writings are the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States.  If you read it carefully you can almost hear time slow down and as it does you can see that in 1776 they had no idea what they were building.  Did these men really think that it was OK to have other people as slaves?  They did and not only that but it was a “rich man’s” right to have slaves from where they came from in Europe. 

See, in England things have their place so not everyone was called ‘My Lord’ there was an order to things.  So these men in colonial 1776 wanted to be their own Masters of their lives and have what the “rich” or royalty had back home in places like England.  So the whole “…all men are created equal…” really is pointing to a specific group of people.  It excluded Women, Blacks, Native Americans, well basically everyone except for White men, but not all White men were included either take the Irish for example.  The Irish have always been looked down upon by the English so no Englishman would dare rate himself as an equal with an Irishman so again it really was pointing to a small group of specific men of that time in 1776.  For the most part the Declaration is one big flip off to King George of England and not some God enlighten act to show humanity.

So what would these men say if they were brought into 2013?  They would all most likely try to take over and establish some sort of martial law so that they could “fix” things and we would most likely see every advancement in civil rights and human rights be violated and thrown away.  I say that because I believe these men of 1776 had no intention of ever letting Women and “others” advance past them because they obviously thought themselves to be superior above all others. 

So here’s a question: if the writer of a founding document felt himself to be superior to others can that same document be the fundamental basis of rights for those “others” the writer felt superior over?   

I believe it cannot.

I say that with all certainty based on this one example; if a slave ran on his “master” in 1776 NOT one of those men that signed the Declaration of Independence would have hesitated to lynch that salve for doing so.  I ask again, can these founding documents be the basis of rights for all in the USA?

So what does this mean when we want to talk about gun control and violence in our country?
We cannot ignore that the basis of this country is established on uneven ground and since a lot of these politicians like to throw the Bible into their actions I’ll do the same here Matthew 7:24-27 where Jesus talks about having a home built on a rock and those that have it built on sand and I do believe that this country’s foundation is on one big sand lot.

Yesterday a new PAC opened up by the name of Americans for responsible solutions started by U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords and her husband astronaut and US Navy Captain Mark Kelly.  They will be the opposing force to the powerful gun lobby of the NRA and though I think the subject is being whitewashed with lots of reactionary emotions I believe they are missing the point of why we have certain “rights” and why we don’t have a better grasp on the "why ‘s" of violence.  It’s not about the amount of guns in the country it’s about the demand for violence in our country fueled by anger, mistrust, and hate.  But we need to attack things on different fronts and I truly hope that they are successful in accomplishing their objectives.

In the meantime how does this change anything on the corner of 63rd and King Drive? Or in North Lawndale on the West side? In Pilsen? I guess it doesn’t until something tragic like Newton happens in these communities…but then again some people might just think we deserved it.

