Sunday, January 20, 2013

Looking for your love for violence.

Why do you like violence so much?  Have you ever thought of it in that way?  Why not?  Here is an example; do you like the movie “gangs of New York?” how about the new movie “Gangster squad?” Do you like violent movies that are rated as “action and adventure” movies? If so then that makes you a fan of violence…so why did the violence at Sandy Hook elementary bother you so much?  You know it’ll be made into a movie one day or at least it’ll be reenacted as a situation in a TV series.  Just to be clear I am trying to offend you on purpose.

I’m not saying that you enjoy violence but let’s both be honest with each other we do enjoy watching shit blow up!  So how did we get to that point?  Some say it is human nature and others say it’s a disconnection our society has from actual violence due to watching the horrors of Vietnam on TV and normalizing it.  I’m not sure where it started but I do know where it needs to end and it is right here and right now.

Before we start to talk about how to address this issue we first need to understand how we contribute to it EVERYDAY.  Where do you think the street gangs get their drugs? (I actually hope to receive emails/posts with answers to this question)  Well if you really think about who is selling the drugs on the corner you’ll quickly realize that it’s nearly impossible for that individual to hatch a discreet plan to bring drugs from South America and didn’t get caught.  A drug dealer on the corner isn’t like someone at the farmers market that loaded up their truck with produce from a farm just outside of the city and set up shop.  Cocaine is processed and packaged well over 2000 miles from the city limits of Chicago so can you imagine how many people are involved in the production of getting that cocaine to the streets of Chicago.  Now think again about the drug dealer on the corner and ask yourself, is this guy capable of orchestrating such a task of running a production crew in another country, supplying the means of transportation, the bribing of officials through at least seven different countries, ensuring there’s security around the shipment while in transport, then the careful distribution throughout the country to help pay for the shipment, then arriving on the streets of Chicago, THEN risking death and prison while trying to sell that product in an open air market?  I bet you see this differently now…

So if this guy on the corner is incapable of doing all of that who is?  I can come up with a lot of possibilities or I can give you what I have experienced.  Let’s just paint a picture; someone out there is more interested in making money at any cost no matter what they have to do let’s call him BOB.  Bob is in a unique position that he can make money look legitimate by running it through his company with of course a cut under the table for himself.  What is this company?  Well it can be any of the big banks and some have been recently fined for doing such things even though life in prison is really the only true punishment for the executives of these banks.

So if you research which banks took part do you find yourself as an account holder at those banks?  If so do you realize that your money and the money of large cartels were all part of the same pile to invest and create more wealth for criminals?  Does that bother you?  It should considering that at this point millions have been affected by the drug trade at the cost of making money and keeping these big banks in business by YOU having an account with them including your mortgage.  I know I know you didn’t know and how could you have known, right?

So if Bob is running the money through the wash, who is letting him do it?  Because Bob is not king of the hill he’s actually a few steps below that.  Is there just one king of the hill or is it more like a parliament…well it’s a bit of both but who is not up there is the guy selling drugs on the corner.  I keep bringing him up to help you understand that by YOU dismissing that guy on the corner, when they’re killed or shot, as a piece of shit that deserves what they got is only playing into the hands of the people on that hill. 

So if Bob is working with someone else, who can that be?  Bob has to be able to escape prison time because someone out there knows he’s doing this so there are people getting paid off in some form with drugs, money, and young girls being brought into this country to be sex slaves (human trafficking.) Who is on the receiving end of all of these payments?  Well obviously it has to be people that have the power to make criminal charges disappear or never come up.  It has to be people that are sworn to serve and protect and keep in mind that police officers are NOT the only people sworn to serve and protect!  

What it comes down to is that illegal drugs is a multi-billion dollar operation and people that do not live in poverty, have to punch a clock every day for work, have to take public transportation, etc…really don’t care how their money making affects other people.  But yet we continue to support their businesses and make them out to be great companies because they are willing to hire Gay people and have policies for domestic partnerships and let you expose your tattoos. All the while these companies are funneling BILLIONS of drug money and investing that money to turn it into TRILLIONS but it’s OK because they are a progressive company, right???

I know that this may sound farfetched but for those of us that have decided to educate ourselves away from Main Street know these things to be true.  Now, if this sounds too complicated and too deep for you and you rather look the other way or “let go and let God” then you are the worst of them all because you simply do not care about the lives being lost every day, you don’t care about the young girls being promised of a better life being brought into the US and used as sex slaves, you don’t care about that sweet humble mother of four in Mexico that has worked hard for her family losing her son because someone thought he was part of a drug cartel so  the killed him and tore his body apart and scattered his body parts all over the city, you simply do not care.

I do hope that you feel like I am taking a jab at you because I am.  Don’t ask me “then what do we do?” you know what needs to happen, can you do what it takes to solve this issue?

