Sunday, April 22, 2012

Looking for another building!?

In 2010 after many hours praying and talking with those close to me an idea came to me about having a Walk across America to talk about violence in our society and today the Chicago Tribune, among other media outlets, wrote a story about Pastor Corey Brooks wanting to do the same thing.  What is interesting is that in December of 2011 I met with Pastor Brooks along side my Brother Min. Michael Muhammad, Bishop Carlton Pearson, and Clint Bargmann.  As we sat there I had mentioned to pastor Brooks about my Walking to Peace project ( ) and gave him details as to how long it would take and so on.  Today in the news article he shared some of those same details as I did with him that December night.  Now, I’m not complaining about the pastors but I do bring into question when someone takes an idea and makes it their own from someone else. 

The difference between us is a few things, one is that he has an actual congregation behind him that will support and fund his time.  Two, he already has made a name for himself within the media because he has someone like Ms. Hartman guiding him.  Three, he is looking to raise $15million to build a community center across the street from his church.  So the basic message is that there needs to be a building that houses a community center for the community to be better…really?

Lets look at how many buildings we have in the US that does the same thing:  YMCA has 2686 sites and the Boys and Girls Club have 3954 sites so that adds up to 6640 sites across the US that are community centers, will a new building across the street from a church make a difference?

If it takes a building to bring attention to violence in community then wouldn’t a church be the PERFECT place?  Many pastors want to deal with the issue of violence but are usually afraid to do so because it is a tough thing to do so they create a community center to deflect the real issues at hand and make it look like something is being done.  I’m not saying he shouldn’t try but he should be genuine in his approach and since he is not it brings up a lot of red flags. 

The real issue at hand is racism in our society and how systematically we have created violence to affect only certain neighborhoods and certain people.  Lack of equal funding to all public schools in the US is another issue and anyone with a bit of intelligence knows that the proper foundation of a society is based in the education of it’s citizens. The message that is being used is one to fool everyone to believe that a community center will “stop the violence” and that is just a message of a poverty pimp.  If building a community center could achieve such a thing then we shouldn’t have the violence that we do have considering that in just alone in two different organizations we have 6640 centers that could “stop” the violence.  See a building can’t do that neither will $15million in the bank. 

I have been planning for my trip since 2010 and the evidence is in the length that my website has been up and I’ve been blogging about it since January of this year 2012.  I wasn’t looking for $15million because I am well aware of the fact that money will not change anything if you’re going to flush it into a building.  Is a building helpful?  Yes!  But pastor Brooks already has a building, his church!  Is the Faith not strong enough to support the idea that the work that needs to be done can be done from his church?  With out money or a building I have been able to do a lot in my life in working to reduce violence in our society.  I have been asking for funds since January just so that I could eat, sleep, and have clothes on my back to go on this trip to talk to YOU about violence in our society but the funds are few.  Is it because I lack a name?  Would it help if I disclosed “who I am” or rather who I am see as by certain people?  I shouldn’t have to do anything other than to have an honest heart and genuine feelings about changing peoples lives but it seems like people are NOT interested in that.  It is much easier to band-aid an issue and recreating the system that keeps violence alive in our society.  I am sorry that I do not have a name in the news that excites you, I’m sorry that I haven’t marched down a street chanting “stop the violence,” I’m sorry that I want to tackle the root of the problem, but it’s just that I am tired of the bullshit.  Are you really interested in saving the “good kids” only and let the “bad kids” go to prison and hell?  I don’t remember seeing Jesus walk with the rich and celebrities of His time but apparently it’s in someone else’s bible.

I do not apologize for what I am saying and if you are thinking that I am a bit upset then you have guessed right because it is not about pastor Brooks and it’s not about me it is only about the people that have been used and abused all of these years because WE have refused to talk about the real issues at hand.  I know it’s hard but WE have to do it because things will get worse and it’s not only the “gang members” that make it worse it’s also the politicians that use street organizations for their dirty work.  It’s the pastors that allow weapons to be brought into their place of worship, it’s the community based organizations that limit who they serve based on a profiling system they put into place, it’s the lack of WILL to be Faithfull that the Almighty Creator Lord God WILL place His hand over those that are honest and believing that He will protect them in this work.

Pastor Brooks you are well aware of the fact that we spoke about this and I offered in depth knowledge to what goes on here in Chicago as did others that night on the roof top.  You are well aware, because I placed my business card in your hand, that I was working on this issue and that ONLY when our communities come together will WE be able to make a really difference.  You are well aware that certain people around you may not want you to involve yourself with certain people based on their bias and if you are not then you should at least realize that she sat next to you that night.  You should know that I am NOT interested in the $15million because if that were the case I would have had it by now simply by exposing the truth.  I’m not mad at you but I am disappointed in you because it seems like you have allowed the politics of Chicago consume you and that will only lead you to one place.

I tired seeing you before but was told that you didn’t have the time to speak with my Brother Min. Michael Muhammad or me but you did have our numbers and well the phone never rang either.  Don’t allow yourself to be used by these people that want to charge you PR fees that are in the thousands of dollars because I don’t remember Jesus having to pay anyone…if anything He loves us freely.


Gerardo HisH